Información de la revista
Vol. 31. Núm. 6.
Páginas 331-339 (Noviembre 2007)
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Vol. 31. Núm. 6.
Páginas 331-339 (Noviembre 2007)
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Características psicométricas de la escala de satisfacción con el tratamiento antirretroviral (ESTAR): estudio ARPAS (I)
J M. Ventura Cerdáa, M A. Casado Gómezb, J M. Morales Gonzálezb, L. Ortega Valínc, O. Ibarra Barruetad, I. Escobar Rodríguezxe
a Grupo de Trabajo VIH/SIDA. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria. Unidad de Atención Farmacéutica a Pacientes Externos. Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital General de Castellón.
b Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research Iberia.
c Grupo de Trabajo VIH/SIDA. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria.Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital de León.
d Grupo de Trabajo VIH/SIDA. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria.Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital de Galdakano. Bilbao.
e Grupo de Trabajo VIH/SIDA. Sociedad Española de Farmacia Hospitalaria.Servicio de Farmacia. Hospital Doce de Octubre. Madrid
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Información del artículo
Objective: To evaluate the psychometric characteristics, convergent validity and reliability of the antiretroviral treatment satisfaction scale (ESTAR, escala de satisfacción con el tratamiento antirretroviral). Method: Patient satisfaction with ART was determined using the ESTAR questionnaire, developed in Spanish based on the English language version of the HIV-Treatment-Satisfaction Questionnaire (HIVTSQ). In order to evaluate this, internal consistency and test-retest reliability were measured. The construct analysis was performed by studying the covariance and correlation of the questions, and the convergent validity was assessed by using the MOS-HIV (Medical Outcomes Study HIV Health Survey) questionnaire as the standard, as was the content validity by the correlation between the ESTAR and the clinical and therapeutic variables. Results: The ESTAR is structured in two dimensions (clinical satisfaction and satisfaction with lifestyle) with slight modifications to the original version; question 4, discarded in the original version, has been reworded in the Spanish version, and question 9 was deleted because of low communality. As regards the testretest reliability, all the questions show significant intraclass correlation coefficients (p < 0.001). The internal consistency shows higher values than the original version in the lifestyle dimension (α = 0.81 vs.α =0.74) and in the total score (α = 0.84 vs.α = 0.82). With regard to convergent validity, the ESTAR presents significant correlations with the MOS-HIV as a whole and with different dimensions of it, especially the association with mental health, health distress and cognitive functioning dimensions. Conclusions: The ESTAR turns out to be a suitable, reliable instrument for evaluating satisfaction with ART by HIV+ patients.
Highly active antiretroviral therapy
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
Patient satisfaction
Outcome assessment
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