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Articles in press

Articles in press are accepted, peer reviewed articles that are not yet assigned to volumes/issues, but are citable using DOI. More info

Real-world effectiveness and safety of nivolumab in patients with relapsed or refractory classical Hodgkin lymphoma
Laura Lorente Fernández, Samuel Romero Domínguez, Asunción Albert Marí, Esperanza Núñez Benito, Eduardo López Briz, José Luis Poveda Andrés
Full text access
Available online 18 October 2024
Medication reconciliation in hospitalized haematological patients
Alejandro Sanjuán Belda, María Vuelta Arce, Jorge del Estal Jiménez, Laura Canadell Vilarrasa
Full text access
Available online 16 October 2024
Prioritisation of 2024–2027 initiatives of the strategic Map for outpatient pharmaceutical care of the Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy
Ramón Morillo Verdugo, Beatriz Bernardez Ferrán, Aurora Fernández Polo, Luis Margusino Framiñan, José Manuel Martínez Sesmero, Manuel Velez-Diaz-Pallarés, Esther Vicente-Escrig
Full text access
Available online 3 October 2024
Knowledge of biological therapy in patients with immune-mediated diseases. BIOINFO study
Carlos Seguí-Solanes, Lidia Estrada, Esther Ramírez Herráiz, Silvia Ruiz-García, Tomás Palanques-Pastor, Vicente Merino Bohórquez, Cristina Capilla Montes, Joaquín Borras-Blasco
Full text access
Available online 24 September 2024
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