Journal Information
Original articles
Medication errors in children visiting pediatric emergency departments
Garrido-Corro Beatriz, Otero María José, Jiménez-Lozano Inés, Hernández Gago Yolanda, Álvarez-Del-Vayo Concha, Trujillo-Santos Javier, Fernández-Llamazares Cecilia M
Farm Hosp. 2023;47:141-7
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Consensus of Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacy on optimal medication therapy management of atopic dermatitis
Joaquín Borras-Blasco, Esther Ramírez Herráiz, Piedad López Sánchez, Rosa Romero-Jimenez, Andrés Navarro-Ruiz, Nuria Rudi Sola
Farm Hosp. 2023;47:148-54
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[Translated Article] Disease-modifying treatments for patients with multiple sclerosis in Spain
Alejandro Santiago Pérez, Santos Esteban Casado, Miriam Álvarez Payero, Ángel Escolano Pueyo, Ángel Guillermo Arévalo Bernabé, Núria Padullés Zamora, Pilar Diaz Ruiz, Ana María López González
Farm Hosp. 2023;47:T155-T160
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Map of use of parenteral analgesic admixtures in Spain. MEDPAIN project
Catalina Lara-Cátedra, Carmen López-Cabezas, Isabel García-López, María Elviro-Lloréns, Javier Letéllez-Fernández, Ana María Martín de Rosales-Cabrera, José María Alonso-Herreros, Núria SalaVilajosana
Farm Hosp. 2023;47:T161-T167
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Artículo especial
Advances in the work of multidisciplinary teams for the care of patients with severe uncontrolled asthma. A post-COVID vision (TEAM 2.0 project)
Mónica Climente-Martí, Manuela Alvarado-Arenas, Pilar Ausín-Herrero, Cristina Benito-Bernáldez, Nuria Carballo-Martínez, Julio Delgado-Romero
Farm Hosp. 2023;47:T168-T174
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Pharmaceutical care and asthma: Protocol of an umbrella review of systematic reviews
Olalla Montero Pérez, Fernando Salazar González, Ernesto Sánchez Gómez, Concepción Pérez Guerrero
Farm Hosp. 2023;47:175-9
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