Información de la revista
Vol. 46. Núm. 4.
Páginas 203-269 (Julio - Agosto 2022)
Adherence to inhalers in patients with severe asthma treated with anti-interleukin-5 biologics
Paula Granda, Elena Villamañán, Carlos Carpio, Daniel Laorden, Carmen Sobrino, Alicia Herrero, Santiago Quirce, Rodolfo Álvarez-Sala
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:203-7
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Contribution of cabotegravir + rilpivirine long-acting for the treatment of HIV-1 infection
Miguel Ángel Calleja-Hernández, José Manuel Martinez-Sesmero, Laura Amanda Vallejo-Aparicio, Beatriz Hernández-Novoa, Xavier Badia
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:208-14
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Patient-reported experience in lung and breast cancer through a patient journey
Ana Rosa Rubio, María Mareque, Javier Soto, Miguel Ángel Casado, Ruth Álvarez, Jesús Andrade, Carmen Esteban, José Ignacio Chacón
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:215-23
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Efficacy and safety of high doses of irinotecan in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with the FOLFIRI regimen based on the UGT1A1 genotype: A systematic review
Marta Miarons, Pau Riera, Sara García-Gil, Fernando Gutiérrez-Nicolás
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:224-33
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Pharmacist-led medication reconciliation in emergency hospital services in Brazil: A scoping review
Mayara Milanez-Azevedo, Thalita Zago-Oliveira, Débora Alves-Reis, Leonardo Régis Leira-Pereira, Fabiana Rossi-Varallo
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:234-43
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New scenario in the field of medical devices in the European Union: Switzerland and the United Kingdom become third countries
Miriam Fraga-García, Raquel Taléns-Visconti, Amparo Nácher-Alonso, Octavio Díez-Sales
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:244-50
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Artículo especial
Outcomes of a Pharmacy Internship Program at a Quaternary Care Hospital
Rania El-Lababidi, Fatima Osman
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:251-5
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Working mode of oncology surgical pharmacy in China
Tao Liu, Yunhui Zhang, Caifu Fang, Yuhong Zhang, Shu Liu, Zhuojia Chen, Hongbing Huang, Zhihua Zheng
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:256-9
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Medication adherence to obeticholic acid: a real-world experience using medication event monitoring systems
Pedro Suárez-Artime, Goretti Durán-Piñeiro, Marisol Rodríguez-Cobos, Juan Manuel Rojo-Valdés, Francisco Javier Martínez-Bahamonde, Irene Zarra-Ferro
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:260-4
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Implementation of a methodology to assess patient reported outcomes in lung cancer patients: The PeOpLe (Patient-reported Outcomes in Lung cancer) study protocol
Cristina Villanueva-Bueno, Roberto Collado-Borrell, José Luis Revuelta-Herrero, Ana Beatriz Fernández-Román, Gema Casado-Abad, Vicente Escudero-Vilaplana
Farm Hosp. 2022;46:265-9
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